The Same Sky I See As Yours

The Same Sky I See As Yours is a piece inspired by Dieu-Thao Duong’s own personal realizations and by Haruki Murakami’s book “Killing Commendatore”. Along with the dancers, Duong explored the ideas of absence, existence, and non-existence. What does it take for you to acknowledge the existence of something? Is it the tangible visuals that make something real? Or is blind faith enough for you to know it’s real? This quote is from the aforementioned book: “You have the strength to wish for what you cannot have. While I have only wished for those things I can possess.” This performance premiered as a part of tbd. dance collective’s Making Space Dance Festival in 2022.

Choreography: Dieu-Thao Duong

Dancers: Erin Brandt, Rachel Tobin, & Cody Gomez

Photography courtesy of : Ben Semisch

Dieu-Thao Duong

Image courtesy of Topher Booth